Friday, June 18, 2010

Graduation Time

Congratulations to our fellow advisors who graduated this year
and just had their convocation!

Arya Sutedja
Alex Nico Napitupulu

Semoga sukses selalu dalam semua jalan yang kalian tempuh. Dan semoga senior-senior kita ini gak akan melupakan waktu-waktu mereka di Simon Fraser University dan SFU Indonesian Association.

Photograph by Eric James

Photograph by Alexander Henry

Not to forget, congratulations to: Stella Nurina Susanto (photo awaits) and Yudianto Ong

Summertime 2010

Ah, it's finally summertime! It's time for some warmth, friendships, fun times, cold drinks, hot foods that will blow your mind away and ultimately parties! But then, we can still do some good in the midst of having all these fun times. Better yet, we can do it WHILE having fun. That's right! It's what we're aiming for again this 2010! We are doing out giveback program for all of you to enjoy. Yes, enjoy!

SFUIA is planning on throwing some events, including:
  • Paintball! - our popular event!
  • Nonton Bola Bareng (World Cup 2010) - watch the games together
  • Picnic - perfect event for the warm Vancouver summer (rain, go away~)
  • Tennis tournament - sweat your summer heat off!
Anyways, SFUIA is going to be working hard to raise funds for our summer events. We either will donate it to YKAI (Yayasan Kesejahteraan Anak Indonesia) or Rumah Belajar (that is coordinated by Technic students from Universitas Indonesia).

Alright guys, enjoy the summer breeeeze!

Photograph by Maula Rudini