Monday, November 21, 2011

Updates: DEBATE and Futsal Championship

Our debate event on the 12th of November was a huge success! Thank you very much to everyone who organized, participated, and attended the event! The winner of the debate is a team from SFU Indonesian Association, congratulations guys!

WINNER : Eben, Michael, Hendry

THIRD PLACE: Sabrina, Disty, Nanditha

More teams from SFU:

Feirin, Matthew, Jessica


And the organizing committee:

From SFUIA: Jodi, Jeany and Dharma.
Once again, congratulations guys!

The pictures are courtesy of Artovermatters Creations.

A little update from Futsal Championship on the 19th of November:
Our executives Matthew and Clinton won second place! Congratulations, both of you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

CJSF Radio Show + Futsal Championship 2011

Good day everyone! Today we'll bring you some updates about past and upcoming events! The new 2011/2012 Execs' first event Bowling Night was successful, and we would like to thank everyone who showed up and participated! We really appreciate it, and we hope you all had fun. Also, don't forget about the Suarakan Nasionalismemu Debate event that's coming up this week on Saturday the 12th. Support the teams and the event!

Today SFU's official radio station CJSF also aired a show by SFU Indonesian Association! We talked about Indonesian's culture, food, languages, and music. If you didn't get the chance to hear it, the recording is available on CJSF website: (Find the archive ones for 9 November 2011, 12:00 - 12:30 for the first half and 12:30 - 13:00 for the second half).

And, one last thing...
We have another event coming up!

SFU-IA and GISAU Present:
Indonesian Futsal Championship 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011

SFU Burnaby Gym
8888 University Drive, Burnaby

Contact Information:
Matthew (SFU): 778-228-6511
Christian (UBC): 778-858-6152

Facebook page for more information and rules:

The event is FREE of charge!
Hope to see all of you there! Support the teams!